Monday, March 19, 2018


                          Diamonds Are (Not!) FOREVER                                                            The Truth Behind Diamond Rule #1      

       Some of our readers may ask, "What's the deal with Diamond Rule #1  (make money first and babies later)?"  "Isn't that sexist?" "Isn't this a free country?"  Absolutely! We are free to succeed or to fail. But let's be honest: what do Jessica Simpson, Sophia Amoruso, BeyoncĂ©, Rihanna, Marissa Mayer, and the majority of other Femtrepeneurs all have in common? They worked on their careers before they worried about procreation.
      Social scientists have proven that " the younger the mother, the poorer the family." Thus, these successful Fem-T's got "hip." If you want to be the next Misty Copeland, do you think you could practice dancing for eight hours, travel the one hour back and forth from work, sleep eight hours, eat, shop, and RAISE A CHILD?! Maybe. But why not simply work on mastering yourself, and, have kids when you have enough money and a good foundation on which  to raise them?
      So, as you can see, this rule is far from sexist. Instead, it is based on that boring word, STATISTICS.  In any case, this is not to say that being a successful Femtrepreneur can't be done after you have kids. After all, J.K. Rawling (the creator of Harry Potter) did it. All that this rule is saying is that it is sooooo much easier for you to do YOU without  the expenses that come with raising a child. (Social scientists also say that raising a child will cost you a million dollars by the time he or she is 18 years old; and this is a potential one million dollars that could be invested into creating a multi-billion dollar business instead.)

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Issue #2: THE 10 DIAMOND RULES OF SUCCESS for Vivacious Femtrepreneurs

        To win at any game, you must know and follow the rules of the game you are playing. As a Femtrepreneur, you are playing the game of Femtrepreneurship, which means that you must know and apply the rules if you want to win. By winning, you will achieve money, power, respect, attractiveness, attention, and an immortal legacy of greatness and creativity in the eyes of the world. And if you are not winning, you are losing; and who wants to be a loser? So, without any further ado, here are the 10 rules of the game that will ensure your success as a certified Vivacious Femtrepreneur:

#1:  Femtreprenuers make money first and babies later

#2: You must know exactly what you want from life, and, don't be afraid to fail (at first).

#3: In order to make millions you need to have an idea that is worth millions.

#4: Fems make use their imagination as a tool--your either creative or basic.

#5: You will only make millions of dollars if you are selling something that's  worth millions of dollars.

#6: Always Dream BIGGER, BOLDER, and Braver.

#7: Work smarter, not harder--strength in numbers, support other Fem owned businesses.

#8: Invest and save more than you spend. (Never lose money)

#9: Promoting your business successfully is just like flirting -- its okay to be playful and Tease--but in this case always PLEASE.


     Now, play the game and start winning!