To win at any game, you must know and follow the rules of the game you are playing. As a Femtrepreneur, you are playing the game of Femtrepreneurship, which means that you must know and apply the rules if you want to win. By winning, you will achieve money, power, respect, attractiveness, attention, and an immortal legacy of greatness and creativity in the eyes of the world. And if you are not winning, you are losing; and who wants to be a loser? So, without any further ado, here are the 10 rules of the game that will ensure your success as a certified Vivacious Femtrepreneur:
#1: Femtreprenuers make money first and babies later.
#2: You must know exactly what you want from life, and, don't be afraid to fail (at first).
#3: In order to make millions you need to have an idea that is worth millions.
#4: Fems make use their imagination as a tool--your either creative or basic.
#5: You will only make millions of dollars if you are selling something that's worth millions of dollars.
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